
When we talk about an e-bikes range, we’re referring to how far (distance) you can travel on a single full-charge. While this may not seem important, running out of power when you’re only halfway home can dull an otherwise great ride.

In an earlier post, we explained how e-bikes are powered. At the heart of every e-bike’s power dynamic is the battery. While the battery is what determines the overall range, what you do while you’re on the bike impacts that range.

Knowing how to conserve power will allow you to ride for longer distances without needing to recharge the battery as frequently, which is particularly beneficial for longer commutes or recreational rides.

Here are 8 tips to help you get the most out of your range. 

8 Tips to Extend Your Battery Life

Maintain Proper Tire Pressure

Ensure your tires are inflated to the recommended pressure. When your tires are properly inflated, they have less rolling resistance on the road surface. This means that the motor doesn’t have to work as hard to propel the bike forward, resulting in less energy consumption (meaning less drain on the battery).

Proper tire pressure ensures that the e-bike operates at its optimal efficiency. Under-inflated tires can cause the motor to work harder, which drains the battery faster and reduces overall range. Over-inflated or under-inflated tires are also more prone to damage, like flats or blowouts. By maintaining the correct tire pressure, you reduce the risk of tire damage, which can interrupt your ride and potentially affect battery performance

Correct tire pressure also gives you better traction and stability, especially when navigating corners or rough terrain. This allows for smoother riding and reduces the need for sudden accelerations or decelerations, which impact battery life.

Use Pedal Assist Wisely

Use the pedal assist (often abbreviated as PAS) mode efficiently by choosing lower assistance levels when riding on flat terrain or downhill to conserve battery power.

Pedal assist on an e-bike works by providing electric assistance to your pedaling efforts. While pedal assist can enhance your ride and make cycling easier, it does consume energy from the battery. Here’s how:

  • Electric Motor Activation: When PAS is engaged, the e-bike’s electric motor is activated to provide additional power to assist your pedaling. This electric assistance requires energy from the battery to operate the motor.

  • Power Output Levels: Most e-bikes offer multiple levels of PAS, ranging from low to high assistance. Higher assistance provides more electric power to supplement your pedaling efforts, but it also consumes more battery power compared to lower levels.

  • Continuous Energy Consumption: While PAS is active, the electric motor continues to consume energy from the battery as long as you are pedaling. The more frequently and intensely pedal assist is used, the faster the battery will drain.

  • Terrain and Riding Conditions: PAS is particularly useful when riding uphill, against strong headwinds, or over challenging terrain. In these conditions, the electric motor must work harder to provide assistance, leading to increased energy consumption and faster battery depletion.

  • Your Pedaling Input: The amount of energy consumed by PAS also depends on your pedaling input. If you apply minimal effort while relying heavily on the electric assistance, the battery will drain more quickly compared to situations where you contribute more to the pedaling effort.

Now that you know how it works, you can choose when to apply PAS and decide how much battery power you will use.

Optimize Your Ride

Plan out or choose your routes wisely to make the most of your battery charge.

Routes that are smooth, flat, or downhill get the most bang from your battery. Hills, headwinds, and challenging terrain typically cause you to engage the PAS mode, and require additional power to meet the challenge.

An optimized ride will minimize energy consumption and extend the battery life.

Avoid Excessive Weight

We’re not talking about your weight, but the extra weight you pile onto your e-bike. Keep your bike as light as possible by removing unnecessary accessories or cargo. If you’re trying to push the limits of your range, extra weight can drain the battery more quickly.

Be A Smooth Operator

Being smooth with your acceleration and deceleration goes a long way to extendingthe life of your battery. Gradual acceleration and deceleration help conserve your battery range becasues of:

  • Efficient Motor Operation: Gradual acceleration allows the e-bike’s motor to operate more efficiently. When you accelerate slowly, the motor doesn’t need to draw as much power from the battery all at once. This gradual power draw reduces the strain on the battery and helps preserve its energy over time.
  • Reduced Energy Waste: Sudden accelerations and decelerations can lead to energy waste in the form of kinetic energy lost during braking. By gradually accelerating and decelerating, you can better maintain the momentum of the e-bike, minimizing the need to expend additional energy to regain lost speed.

Be a smooth operator and you’ll get the full distance of your battery!

Keep Cool

Battery temperature can have a significant impact on e-bike range because it affects battery performance and efficiency. Extreme temperatures, like high heat, can degrade battery performance over time. Store your e-bike in a cool, shaded area when you’re not riding it.

Charge It Right

There is a right way and a wrong way to charge your e-bike battery. Each e-bike is a little different, so be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for your bike, use the recommended charger (the one that came with your bike), and don’t overcharge or completely drain the battery.

These tips will help ensure a long battery lifespan. and a full charge.

Regular Maintenance

This might seem obvious, but keeping your e-bike well-maintained can save your battery. Clean and lubricate moving parts, check for loose connections, and make sure your brakes are properly adjusted. A well-maintained e-bike operates more efficiently and can help maximize battery life.

If you’re not sure how to do this, stop by and talk with one of our trained bike technicians. We can give you advice specific to your bike, or just perform routine maintenance for you.

Need More Help?

Understanding how to conserve and extend your e-bike battery will enable you to ride all day (or at least to the limits of your battery). It will also keep your battery behaving as if it’s new.

If you think there’s something wrong with your battery, if it’s not holding a charge like it used to, or won’t fully charge, come in and talk with our friendly bike techs. Your battery might be at the end of its lifespan, or there may be an issue.

Our techs know all about batteries and can help you understand what’s going on.

Whether for daily commuting, leisurely rides, or off-road adventures, a fully charged battery that takes you where you want to go, and back again, is what e-bikes are made for! Don’t be shortchanged by a battery issue.